Now Hiring: Trail Management Specialist

Spurwink Island Path

Gord Follett

Jun 24, 2022

Now Hiring: Trail Management Specialist

Posted on Friday June 24, 2022

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Trail Management Specialist

East Coast Trail Association (ECTA)


The East Coast Trail Association is a registered charity established to provide a wilderness hiking experience by developing and maintaining the East Coast Trail, promoting public access, minimizing its impact on the natural environment and protecting it for future generations. The ECT is a highly valued, well-maintained wilderness hiking trail that showcases the rugged natural beauty and cultural heritage, stretching 336 km along the eastern edge of the Avalon Peninsula.

Position Summary

The primary functions of the Trail Management Specialist (TMS) are two-fold. The position works closely with the VP of Trail Management to manage the Association’s Geographic Information System (GIS), while also liaising with the VP of Community Relations for the performance of a community outreach function.

GIS Management

The GIS contains asset data for all trail structures and the trail tread way. The information is comprised of (1) descriptive data for each asset (i.e., dimensions, construction materials, GPS location, and pictures); (2) asset condition data (collected at regular intervals); and (3) asset repair and maintenance data (for use in work scheduling and budget preparations). A primary responsibility of the TMS position is to ensure the accuracy, integrity, and timely updating of all GIS data.

Community Outreach

The Association maintains a database of property ownership records that are linked to the GIS. The property ownership records pertain to both land on which the trail corridor is situated and land adjacent to the trail corridor. The TMS position will be responsible for maintaining the property ownership database. In addition, this position will be a point of contact for landowners, municipalities, and any other parties who may have interest/issues related to the land occupied by the trail.

Primary Functions

  • Documenting processes and procedures for the collection and management of GIS asset data gathered in the field.
  • Train field staff in procedures pertaining to the collection and recording of asset data.
  • Undertake field visits to audit the collection of asset data.
  • Input data in the GIS on a timely basis pertaining to asset additions, asset retirements, and any updates to existing assets.
  • Preparing regular and ad hoc reports of GIS data for use by management in budgeting and work scheduling activities related to the trail system.
  • Liaison with municipal and provincial staff to gather information and documentation on land ownership and land use.
  • Assist volunteer staff with the procurement of land documents pertaining to private property land ownership.
  • Digitize and store property ownership documents in a database.
  • Create and store property boundary data in the GIS.
  • Respond to external inquiries from landowners, municipalities, government agencies, and other interested parties related to the land occupied by the trail.
  • Assist ECTA staff and volunteers in the process of acquiring permissions for trail rights-of-way on private property and on Crown Land.

Education/Experience & Skills

  • Completion of a GIS Diploma Program or bachelor’s degree program (preferable in Geography) with GIS as an area of specialization.
  • 1-2 years of working experience
  • Experience with online mapping
  • Excellent presentation, writing and editing skills
  • Strong project management and organizational skills
  • A self-starting professional who consults and collaborates to deliver results
  • Ability to work independently and handle a varied workload
  • Knowledge of and aptitude with programs such as ARC-GIS Online, Microsoft Office, and Google Cloud.
  • Strong oral communication skills with the ability to empathize with divergent viewpoints.
  • Maintain a valid driver’s licence.
  • Hiking experience on wilderness trails.


This position is for a one-year term with the opportunity to advance depending on funding.

About You

You are a self-starter and have an enthusiasm for the outdoors and the environment. You enjoy connecting with your community and seeking out new opportunities for growth. You want to see the East Coast Trail develop into its full potential. You have the skills to help ECTA do this because you are creative, have excellent organizational skills, are an independent thinker, and are innovative. Plus, as a bonus, you are familiar with the East Coast Trail and enjoy working with volunteers and the variety of people using the Trail.

Hiring Process

Submit a cover letter and resume by July 8, 2022 to:

Julia Penney, ECTA Business Manager via with the subject: “Trail Management Specialist Application”.


We thank all interested applicants but only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.


East Coast Trail is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, national origin, and all the other aspects that make us all different. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind. We respect the confidentiality and privacy of all our applicants.